How To Plan
A one-day luncheon Fly-In |
Find a location:
- choose an interesting destination and/or a relatively
central location (1-2 flight hours)
- use a local Tribe member as a contact
- assure adequate runway size and a group
parking area
- confirm a restaurant on or near the field
Contact the airport:
- talk to the FBO manager and the restaurant
- walk the ground for any unique problems
- plan parking area, meeting space, "what ifs"
- establish a rain date plan
Communicate to the Tribe:
- list in the tribe newsletter events calendar
- prepare a direct e-mail invitation
information form
- include some form
of registration/response plan
- create flyers for local airports
- list on the Comanche Flyer events list
Final plans two weeks ahead of date:
- confirm plans with the FBO and with the
- send out e-mail invitations to the Tribe,
copy the FBO and restaurant
The week of the fly-in:
- Send a second email invitation/update to the Tribe
- get an estimated number of aircraft and
people to FBO and restaurant
- begin studying the weather patterns
The day before the fly-in:
- make go/no-go decision on rain date (which
day would you want to fly in from an hour away?)
- communicate any changes of plan - no news
means go ahead as planed
The day of the fly-in:
- be there early to set up
- bring you hand-held with fresh batteries
- meet and greet each arrival, and marshal to
- enlist help from the attendees and promote
- take lots of pictures (someone does have a
camera, yes?)
- give restaurant a head count for lunch about
a half hour ahead
Group meeting (in a hangar space or
over dessert after lunch):
- introduce yourself - home base, aircraft,
years in the Tribe, positions held etc
- introduce and thank the FBO manager and
restaurant staff
- have each person in attendance introduce
themselves in turn
- talk of Tribe news and other topics of
- point out interesting details about the
choice of location
- ask for ideas for future activities (any
- take more pictures
- talk over any specific airport departure
Post-lunch and departure:
- encourage a look and see of the assembled
- take more pictures
- encourage group help for fueling and ground movement
- coordinate departure if needed with hand signals and
hand-held (but remember, you are not ATC)
- thank the FBO and restaurant personnel again
for their participation
Fly-in report:
- in the weeks following the event, write up a
fly-in report for the Tribe newsletter and/or Comanche Flyer
- include a description of the day, the
aircraft and people in attendance, the FBO and restaurant reception,
some of the ideas talked over as a group, and any other interesting
review all the pictures and pick the best 4
or 5 to include
* anyone who attended the fly-in should read
about it and remember
with satisfaction
* anyone who missed it should feel that they
missed a great opportunity |
Need help finding a place to go? Check out our
Other Destinations
Locations sorted by area (N to S) and by state |