Northeast Comanche
Adapted from ICS
�Comanche Tips�
�The other day I was
going through my �glove compartment� in my PA24-180 and
found an article that gave instructions for a temporary
co-pilot. I found it to be woefully inappropriate for my
plane. Using it as a guide, I developed the checklist
below that I will photocopy and let my passengers know
where it is if ever needed. I do not intend to dwell on
it for everyone who sits to my right except for my wife
who is the most frequent passenger.�
Kenn Tridel, ICS #11927
the event of an Incapacitated Pilot:
Get control of the
Get the pilot
off the controls � tighten the shoulder strap to
keep the pilot�s body away from the steering
wheel (yoke).
Level the
airplane � use the yoke to fly straight and keep
the wings level with the ground. If you cannot
see the ground, use the instrument 2 up
from the pilot�s yoke (artificial
horizon) as a guide.
Set the Transponder � located in front of you -
�7-7-0-0�, the distress
Set the radio to
121.5, the emergency frequency � reach across to
the far left and turn the knobs to 121.5, then
press the flip-flop switch.
Press the
microphone button on your yoke and say �MAYDAY,
MAYDAY� � release the button to listen.
Report the
problem to the answering controller � who you
are and what has happened.
Fly to an Airport
with a long runway.
Request a
heading from the controller. Slowly turn to that
heading using the
Directional Gyro (DG), keeping the dot centered
on the horizon. ALL TURNS are done slow and wide.
Turn the Fuel
Selector � on the floor between the seats � to
the fullest tank. Fuel gauges are in the lower
middle of the panel.
on the Longest Runway INTO the wind � the controller
will help you get there.
When it is time to
start down to a lower altitude � about 5 to 10 miles
away �
Push the MIXTURE
control knob (red) fully in using you thumb on
the button to unlock it.
Pull the
THROTTLE knob (black) out slowly so that the
Manifold Gauge � panel upper right � reads about
Push the PROP
CONTROL knob � center, looks like a faucet
handle � fully in. The engine sound will change
� this is Okay.
Slow the
airplane to not less than 100 MPH as you
Descend to an
altitude of 1000 to 1200 ft above the airport.
Keep the gyro indicator one dot below center
while descending.
Pull back on
the yoke to level off - add power (THROTTLE) as
needed to maintain 100 MPH.
Lower the wheels
� lever in panel center, move it down.
Turn the trim
control - crank handle in the ceiling � down
(counter clockwise) to relieve hand pressure
required on the yoke.
Lower the flaps � the long handle between the
seats -
notches (out of 3)
by pushing the button to release.
Pull back
about 6 inches until
button re-locks.
About 2 miles from
the end of the landing runway
Line up with the
centerline of the runway � use the yoke to move
sideways, your feet to point the nose.
Pull the
THROTTLE out slightly � Manifold from 16 to 14 �
to descend at about 500 ft per min at 90 MPH.
Readjust trim
control on ceiling to relieve hand pressure on
the yoke.
Be ready to add
THROTTLE if needed � speed is critical.
Aim for the
numbers on the near end of the runway. Adjust
THROTTLE to maintain 90 MPH.
As soon as you
are over the runway and 8 to 10 feet above it,
slowly pull the THROTTLE fully out. Point the
nose by steering with your feet.
Once down, use
the brake lever � left center under panel � to
slow and stop the plane.
To stop the engine,
pull the red MIXTURE control all the way out. After
the engine stops, turn of the ignition key and the
Master Power switch (bottom of
panel, far left).