Northeast Comanche

2019 Fly-In Highlights

A lot of work goes into setting up the monthly fly-ins. It can be discouraging when only the few regulars show up each time. Please, check the fly-in schedule on the Northeast Tribe's website and try to attend those in your neighborhood.

Below is a general description of each 2019 fly-in location, along with other flying events of interest listed in red. Click on the airport identifier for a link to an AOPA Airports page for further information. As usual, rain dates are listed in parentheses. Note that some fly-ins are scheduled for Sunday, with Saturday as the alternate.

 March 30 (31),
Martinsville VA.

Blue Ridge Airpark is a new destination for ICS-NE, located in the mountains of south western Virginia. The airport is a popular fly-in getaway as featured in the AOPA Destinations. Lunch is at Simply Suzanne's Cafe, located on the north side of the runway. Blue Ridge is a nice start on your journey to Sun 'N Fun the following week.
 April 2-7,
Lakeland FL

Fly down to enjoy Sun 'N Fun, and join fellow Comanche drivers at Comanche Town in the Vintage parking area. Be sure to check the arrival Notam.
April 27 (28),

The April 27 Millville NJ fly-in - NORTHEAST COMANCHE TRIBE PARTICIPATION IS CANCELLED - fly-in being held as "ICS-members only", counter to ICS By-Laws

April 27
Pop-up Mini Clinic at Westerly Airport (WST) in Rhode Island. Open discussion of improved Comanche fuel economy. Opportunity to fly with a CPPP instructor to focus on specific aspects of Comanche flying.
May 10-11,
Frederick MD

AOPA regional fly-in at their home base. Two days of seminars, vendors and fellow pilots.
May 18 (19),
Resnic Airport is in a nice valley just to the west of the Hudson River. The airport is again hosting a "Wings & Wheels" event to benefit Disabled Veterans. Enter your plane to compete for prizes ($15 fee). Food will be available at the airport, and at Il Paradiso, an excellent Italian restaurant just outside the gate. Those arriving from the southern coastal states should enjoy using the Hudson River Corridor � see New York City from 1200 feet, but check for TFRs.
June 22 (23),
Newport NH
Parlin Field is an airport gem located in the Lakes region of New Hampshire, and has been a popular Northeast fly-in site for years.  The airport has on-field camping, �loaner� bicycles to explore nearby hiking trails, and a swimming hole in the Sugar River. The FBO will provide transportation to lunch at a restaurant in town.
July 20 (21),
Pittstown NJ.
Sky Manor Airport is located in central New Jersey within easy reach of most Northeast Tribe members. The Sky Cafe serves great food, and the view of the runway encourages great landing critiques.
July 22-28,
Oshkosh WI

Annual EAA gathering at Oshkosh WI. Join in the fun at Comanche Town. Check the arrival Notams.
August 11-15,
Rockland ME
Join us on the schooner American Eagle for 5 days and 4 nights of sailing the coast of Maine. Comanche drivers can fly in to Rockland. As of this date there are still some cabins left to reserve. Go to to make arrangements. While in Rockland you can also enjoy the Owls Head Transportation Museum.
August 26 (25),
Latrobe PA.
Arnold Palmer Field is a favorite destination in western PA. Lunch is at DeNunzio's, upstairs in the terminal building. We are planning for Sunday, Aug 26, to take advantage of the excellent lunch buffet. The rain date will be Saturday, with a weather decision made by Thursday evening.
Sept 21 (22),
 Windham CT

Fly in to this Willimantic CT airport to join in on the Conn. Airport Authority's "Airport Showcase." Many aviation displays and activities, and reserved parking for our Comanches. Qualified EAA members are welcome to join in flying Young Eagles. See the Showcase flyer for more details. Food will be available from local civic groups on site. Rain date for the fly-in and "Showcase" is Sunday, Sept 22.
Sept 28  
 Danielson CT

Special Northeast Comanche Tribe, Inc meeting to finalize the Tribe election. The Election Committee will receive the ballots and count them for results. Any Tribe member is welcome to attend and observe the process. This is a one-day event. If weather issues make Danielson a difficult destination we will go to Groton CT (GON), with multiple runways and approaches, as our alternate. Those who use the fly-in registration form will be notified.
Sept 29-Oct 3
Las Vegas NV
Annual ICS Convention at Bailey's Las Vegas, hosted by SW Tribe.
Fly in to Henderson Executive Airport
Oct 4-6
Nashua NH
Comanche Training Flight Clinic weekend offered by George Richmond of Comanche Training (formerly CPTP). Three days of ground school and flight training in your Comanche. Go to their website for more information and to register.
October 20 (19),
 Georgetown DE
Coastal Delaware, or Georgetown, is a popular location near the Atlantic coast for a luncheon. Arena's at the Airport restaurant is in the terminal. Like Latrobe, this fly-in is scheduled for Sunday to attend their Breakfast Buffet. The rain date is Saturday, with a weather decision by Thursday evening.
November 16 (17),
Williamsburg VA
For our final 2019 fly-in we head south to Williamsburg/Jamestown Airport and lunch at Charlie's in the FBO. We will also hold a year-end Tribe planning meeting, so bring your thoughts and ideas.

There you have it, a thumbnail sketch of the 2019 planned fly-ins � some new, some renewed � along with some of the nearby attractions. Watch your email for details as each date arrives, then plan to attend and bring your family and friends!  But please, if you are even thinking of attending any fly-in, register on the Northeast Tribe website. We need to know your interest and to be able to update you on any factors involved.

See at the next (and the next, and the next..) fly-in,
Pete Morse

hosted by Quiet Corner Bands


 Last updated  01/11/21